Chest Pain Practice Sheet
Table of Contents
Mr Jones is a 55-year-old gentleman who is complaining of intermittent right-sided chest pain and shortness of breath.
Please take a history from, and examine Mr Jones.
Presenting Complaint
Mr Jones felt feverish and developed a cough 8 days ago. He has come in today as he has now developed chest pain and shortness of breath and is worried that he may have something serious.
Chest pain
Site: Right side of chest
Onset: Symptoms started roughly 8 days ago; pain started 2 days ago
Character: Sharp pain
Radiation: No radiation
Associated symptoms: Shortness of breath and cough
Timing: Intermittent, pain only present when coughing or taking deep breath
Exacerbating / relieving factors: Pain is worse when breathing in or coughing
Severity of pain: 7/10
Green sputum
No haemoptysis
Shortness of breath
- Caused by not being able to take full breath / catching pain in chest
- Worse on exertion
Systems Review
Cardio: No palpitations, no ankle swelling, no PND, no syncope
- Resp: No wheeze, no stridor, current smoker, no asbestos exposure
- GI: Reduced appetite, no vomiting, no epigastric pain, no change in bowel habit
- Infective: Fevers, no coryzal symptoms, no sore throat, no rashes, no dysuria
- Red flags: No weight loss, no lumps or bumps, no night sweats
Past Medical History
PMHx: Hypertension, no previous hospital admissions
- DHx: Amlodopine
- Allergies: NKDA, allergic to cats
- Vaccinations status: Annual flu vaccine
Social History
Smoking: 15-20 cigarettes each day for past 30 years
- Alcohol: Nil
- Illicit drug use: Nil
- Occupation: Social worker, sees a lot of people, uses public transport everyday primarily the bus
- Home: Lives in flat with wife, she is not unwell, no mould or exposures
- FHx: Mother has COPD, Father died from heart attack
Ideas: Caught a chest infection from someone at work.
- Concerns: Could the chest pain be a heart attack?
- Expectations: Medication to make him feel better so that he can get back to work.
- End of bed: Increased work of breathing
- General examination: Tar stains on fingers, no peripheral cyanosis, no skin changes, pulse regular, HR 106, BP 108/66, RR 30, Temp 38.6
- Inspection: Even chest expansion, no chest deformities
- Palpation: Trachea central, apex beat not displaced
- Auscultation: HS I + II + 0, course crackles on right side from base to mid zone, no wheeze, no stridor
- Percussion: Slight dullness of right base
- Other: JVP not raised, calves SNT
VIVA Questions
Fever and productive cough make an infective cause more likely, unilateral crackles on auscultation are in keeping with pneumonia.
As above an infective respiratory cause is likely, and the patient has a significant smoking history and FHx.
PE / Influenza / Heart failure / Other:
With appropriate justification.
ECG – To look for cardiac cause such as ischaemia
Flu Swab – Detection of viral cause of symptoms
ABG – Type one respiratory failure, respiratory alkalosis, raised lactate if septic
FBC – Raised WCC in infection, anaemia could also cause SOB
U&E’s – Urea for calculation of CURB-65 for severity
CRP – Increased in infection
D-dimer – Raised in PE
BNP – Raised in Heart Failure
Blood cultures: For detection of sepsis causing pathogens
Chest XR – Consolidation in pneumonia, pulmonary oedema in heart failure
CTPA – If suspecting PE
Special / Other:
Urinary antigen – For detection of specific pathogens that can cause pneumonia
Sputum MCS – specific pathogens that can cause pneumonia
AP plain film of a 55yr old male. Confirm correct patient.
Image quality:
Not rotated, adequate penetration.
Trachea central
Right lower zone consolidation.
Lung markings extend to chest wall, no costophrenic angle blunting.
No cardiomegaly, no widened mediastinum.
Slight elevation of right hemidiaphragm.
No pneumoperitoneum.
The above findings are consistent with a right lower lobe pneumonia.