Chest Pain Practice Scenario
Author – Ansaam El-Sherif Editor – James Mackintosh
Last updated 24/01/24
Table of Contents
How to Use
- Read the brief below (1 minute).
- Take a history (6 minutes).
- Answer viva questions (3 minutes).
- Familiarise yourself with the history & examination findings
- After completing the history, viva the candidate
Candidate Brief
Alice is a 35 year old woman presenting to A&E with chest pain. Please take a history, carry out a focussed examination and answer the questions that follow.
- History
- Examination
- Viva
History of Presenting Complaint
- Site – left sided
- Onset – started the previous day, patient can’t remember if this is sudden or gradual.
- Character – sharp
- Radiation – along the left side of the chest
- Associated symptoms –cough
- Further details should only be provided if the candidate enquires further. The cough started at around the same time as the chest pain. Initially was non-productive, but today has noticed some blood.
- Timing – present since the previous day
- Exacerbating/ Relieving factors – worse on inspiration, nothing has made the pain better
- Severity – 7/10
- Ideas – doesn’t know what’s going on, but coughing up blood isn’t a good sign?
- Concerns – since coughing up blood is concerned this could be something serious and life-threatening.
- Expectations – nothing specific. Candidate should notice the anxiety and address this.
Systems review
- Red flags: no fever, no weight loss, no night sweats
- Cardiovascular: no palpitations, no syncope, right leg is swollen and red
- Respiratory: some shortness of breath which has been progressing since arriving at A&E
Past Medical History
- Coeliac disease
- Combined oral contraceptive pill. Started 15 years ago.
- None
Family History
- Grandmother had a stroke at the age of 67
Social History
- Works as a primary school teacher
- Came back by plane from a holiday in Australia last week
- Smokes 5 cigarettes a day for the last 10 years
- Basic observations: temperature 36.5, heart rate 57, oxygen saturations 92%, blood pressure 130/87, respiratory rate 28
- General exam
- Inspection – comfortable at rest
- Hands – normal CRT, no clubbing, no CO2 retention flap
- Face – no conjunctival pallor, no cyanosis
- Normal JVP
- Right leg is red and more swollen than the left.
- Examination of the chest
- Inspection – no scars
- Chest expansion equal
- Trachea central
- Normal percussion
- Normal breath sounds
- No evidence of added sounds such as wheeze or crackles
What are your key differential diagnoses?
- Pulmonary embolism: The patient is describing a typical history of chest pain of a pleuritic nature, haemoptysis and shortness of breath. A history of COCP use and long-haul air travel combined with a swollen leg should raise suspicion of a DVT precipitant to the episode (1,2).
- Pneumonia: could be an atypical history of pneumonia, however in the absence of fever or a cough productive of sputum this is less likely than a pulmonary embolism (3).
- Musculoskeletal chest pain: should only be considered when other causes have been ruled out.
Please interpret the following ABG.
ABG Results |
pH = 7.48 |
PaO2 = 7.3kPa |
PaCO2 = 4.3kPa |
HCO3 = 23 mEq/L |
Base Excess = 0 mmol/L |
This ABG shows type 1 respiratory failure (hypoxia and normocapnia) in addition to respiratory alkalosis. This is in keeping with a pulmonary embolism causing hypoxia and hyperventilation (4).
Please calculate this patient’s Wells score?
- Full Wells score can be found in NICE thromboembolic guidelines (5,6)
- Wells score = 7 (DVT signs and symptoms + Alternative diagnosis less likely + Haemoptysis).
What would be the initial steps of management based on the Wells score?
- As the patient scores more than 4 points, a CTPA should be ordered and D-dimer should not be used initially (5, 7).
- NICE guidelines recommend first line treatment should be a DOAC (unless contra-indicated) (5).
How long should treatment be continued for?
- If a DVT or PE is provoked (e.g. following a period of immobilisation after surgery which has since resolved) then treatment should be continued for 3 months. NICE guidelines suggest treatment should continue for longer if the PE is unprovoked (5).
What are the classical ECG findings associated with a pulmonary embolism?
- S1Q3T3 – this refers to the presence of S waves in ECG lead 1, combined with lead 3 Q waves and T wave inversion (1,8).
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Pulmonary embolism [Internet]. NICE; 2022 [revised 2022 March; cited 2023 March 23]. (CKS). Available from:
- Weegenaar C. Pulmonary Embolism (PE) Acute Management ABCDE [Internet]. Geeky Medics; 2022 [updated 2022 Jul 6; cited 2023 March 23]. Available from:
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Chest pain [Internet]. NICE; 2022 [revised 2022 August; cited 2023 March 23]. (CKS). Available from:
- Zaininger P. ABG interpretation [Internet]. Geeky medics; 2022 [updated 2022 Oct 24; cited 2023 March 23]. Available from:
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Venous thromboembolic diseases: diagnosis, management and thrombophilia testing [Internet]. NICE; 2020 [published 2020 March 26; cited 2023 March 23]. (clinical guideline [No.NG158]). Available from:
- Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M, Ginsberg JS, Kearon C, Gent M, et al. Derivation of a simple clinical model to categorize patients probability of pulmonary embolism: increasing the models utility with the SimpliRED D-dimer. Thromb Haemost 2000 Mar;83(3):416-420.
- Freund Y, Cohen-Aubert F. Bloom B. Acute Pulmonary Embolism: A Review. JAMA. 2022 Oct 4;328(13):1336-45.
- Burns E. and Buttner R. ECG changes in Pulmonary Embolism [Internet]. Life in the Fast Lane; 2021 [updated 2021 Nov 30; cited 2023 March 23]. Available from: