Abdominal Pain History

Author – Dr Keiran Dey  Editor Dr James Mackintosh

Last updated 08/01/24

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Causes of abdominal pain can range from surgical emergencies to mild self limiting gastroenteritis. Being able to take a thorough history to differentiate between possible causes is of vital importance. 

Presenting Complaint


Consider the anatomy that is underlying the different regions of the abdomen to generate differentials.

Right Upper Quadrant – Cholecystitis, hepatitis

Right Lower Quadrant – Appendicitis, inguinal hernia, IBD, and ovarian pathology

Left Upper Quadrant – Gastric ulcers and splenic causes (rupture + abscess)

Left Lower Quadrant – Diverticulitis, inguinal hernia, IBD, ovarian pathology

Right and Left Flanks – Pyelonephritis and renal/ureteric colic

Epigastric – Peptic ulcer disease, cholecystitis, GORD, pancreatitis, and MI

Peri-umbilical – Appendicitis (early), IBS, bowel obstruction and AAA

Suprapubic – UTI, urinary retention, pelvic inflammatory disease, testicular torsion and ovarian pathology


Radiates from umbilicus to RIF e.g. appendicitis, Crohn’s can mimic this pattern  

Radiates through to the back e.g. pancreatitis, abdominal aortic aneurysm 

Radiating to shoulder tip e.g. ectopic pregnancy (and other pelvic pathology) 

Loin to groin e.g. pyelonephritis, renal calculi

MLA Tip 💡

In appendicitis the pain is initially felt at the nerve root centrally and only later localises to the site of inflammation.


Colicky (intermittent cramping/griping pain) – Renal colic, cholelithiasis, and any condition where an anatomical tube is trying to pass an obstruction such as a stone. 

Burning (dyspepsia) e.g. reflux  

Cramping e.g. appendicitis, IBS, IBD, Diverticulitis

Sharp e.g. pancreatitis

Tearing – AAA


Ask to rate on scale of 1-10


Sudden e.g. ovarian/ testicular torsion, intussusception, volvulus, incarcerated hernia  

Over hours (may suggest inflammatory or infective cause) e.g. appendicitis, gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and pyelonephritis

Days to Weeks – Chronic conditions such as IBD, IBS, PID, hepatitis, malignancy


Continuous or discrete episodes?

Has the pain changed over time?

How long does the pain last for?



Gastrointestinal: appendicitis, obstruction, flare of IBD incarcerated hernia 

Pancreatic: acute pancreatitis 

Genitourinary: UTI, testicular torsion 

Gynaecological: ectopic pregnancy, PID, ovarian torsion/cyst 

Others: DKA 


Chronic (over weeks to months) 

Gastrointestinal: IBD, Coeliac, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chronic constipation 

Gynaecological: ovarian cyst (s), chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis 

Other (medical causes): hypercalcaemia 



e.g. IBS (often corresponds to stressful life events), functional abdominal pain, Coeliac pain 

MLA Tip 💡

If the patient reports weight loss, don’t forget to clarify how much over how long.

Associated Symptoms

Gastrointestinal symptoms 

Fever (suggest an infective cause) e.g. gastroenteritis 

Vomiting e.g. bowel obstruction/volvulus (bilious i.e. dark green), renal colic, pancreatitis

Constipation e.g. bowel obstruction, colon cancer

Diarrhoea e.g. IBD, diverticulitis (bloody diarrhoea), bowel obstruction, colon cancer (diarrhoea or constipation)  

Jaundice e.g. hepatitis, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatitis

Pallor e.g. GI bleed, malnutrition 

PR bleeding e.g. colorectal cancer, IBD, diverticulitis

Urological symptoms 

Dysuria, Flank pain, Urinary frequency, Haematuria e.g. UTI/pyelonephritis/nephrotic syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases ( STI) 

Gynaecological symptoms  

Vaginal discharge, Pelvic pain, Dyspareunia e.g. PID, ovarian cyst 

Change to periods e.g. spotting or missed periods in ectopic pregnancy

Other symptoms:  

Loss of consciousness, light-headedness e.g. ruptured ectopic pregnancy, ruptured AAA 

MLA Tip 💡

The classic description of vomiting in bowel obstruction is ‘bilious vomiting’. Patients may sometimes say that they vomited bile, but you should clarify the colour as true bilious vomit is dark green and pathognomonic for small bowel obstruction.

MLA Tip 💡

Important to differentiate between fresh red blood and melena and quantify the bleeding. A small amount of fresh blood on wiping is more likely something benign such as haemorrhoids.

Aggravating/Alleviating Factors

Worse before opening bowels e.g. gastroenteritis, IBS 

Worse with movements e.g. appendicitis (walking, jumping/ bumps during a car journey) 

Worsen by laying down e.g. Gastro-oesophageal reflux (dyspepsia) 

Varying with Meals – Peptic ulcers and biliary colic (fatty foods)

Relief upon Sitting Forwards – Acute pancreatitis


All women of childbearing age should be asked if they could be pregnant and when their last menstrual period was.


Generally, the causes of abdominal pain can be categorised into gastrointestinal, urological, gynaecological and others.

It is important to demonstrate to the examiner that you are aware of this and establishing which system to click into.

Gastrointestinal Causes

Symptoms that suggest a gastrointestinal cause include abdominal distension, vomiting, change in bowel habit, weight loss, symptoms varying with meals and blood in stool.

Differential Features
Diarrhoea, vomiting , crampy abdominal pain, fever
Periumbilical pain radiating to RIF, fever
Biliary Colic
Colicky pain, fever RUQ/epigastric pain, exacerbated by fatty foods
Acute Pancreatitis
Epigastric pain radiating to back, relieved by sitting forwards, vomiting
LLQ pain, fever, diarrhoea, often elderly, PR bleeding
Peptic Ulcers
Epigastric pain varying with meals, risk factors in history (NSAIDs, spicy food).
MLA Tip 💡

Note that gastric ulcers are worse after eating, whereas duodenal ulcers feel better.

Urological Causes

Symptoms that suggest a urological cause include loin to groin pain, vomiting, rigors, change in urinary habit and blood in urine.

Differential Features
Renal colic
Colicky pain radiating from loin to groin, vomiting and rigors
Same as renal colic with fever and recent lower urinary symptoms (pain on urination, burning, frequency)
Suprapubic pain, fevers, dysuria, malodourous urine, urinary retention, urinary frequency

Gynaecological Causes

Symptoms that suggest a gynaecological cause include spotting, amenorrhea, sudden collapse (if childbearing age), pain varying with menstrual cycle and recent STI.

Differential Features
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Hypogastric pain, vaginal bleeding, amenorrhea, dizziness/fainting and breast tenderness
Early Pregnancy
Spotting, amenorrhea, morning sickness, breast tenderness, unprotected intercourse
Pelvic/abdo pain varying with menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, pain during sex
Ectopic Pregnancy
Spotting, missed period, lower abdominal pain, dizziness/collapse

Red Flags

There are serious causes of abdominal pain and it is important to demonstrate that you are considering them and asking red flag questions to screen for them:


Fever, weight loss, night sweats, PR bleeding, melena and change in bowel habit (constipation or diarrhoea)

Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy

Sudden collapse in a woman of childbearing age, amenorrhea


Tearing pain radiating to back, sudden collapse

Testicular Torsion

Severe groin/lower abdo pain, nausea and vomiting

Ovarian Torsion

Sudden colicky abdo pain, vomiting

Bowel Obstruction

Bowels not opening, not passing flatus, bilious vomiting.


In any history you will ask about past medical history, medications, allergies, social history, and family history. In a history about abdominal pain, you can show how much you know about the various causes by explicitly asking about the following things:

Past Medical History

Previous abdominal surgery can lead to adhesions that cause abdominal pain and can alter the underlying anatomy thereby changing the possible differentials.


If suspecting a gynaecological cause you should ask about previous pregnancies, terminations, miscarriages, LMP and contraception.

Drug History

Laxatives – Can explain diarrhoea and will help you formulate a management plan for constipation.

Opiates – can cause constipation

NSAIDs – can cause peptic ulcers

Contraception – can change the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy and explain some gynae side effects.

Family History

Many conditions that cause abdominal pain have a genetic component. These include IBD, colorectal cancer, and coeliac disease. It is worth asking about other autoimmune conditions as these can share genetic predisposition for IBD and coeliac disease.   

Social History

Smoking is protective in Crohn’s. Patients with Crohn’s who successfully reduce or stop smoking, may have a resulting flare of their condition.

Alcohol and diet can exacerbate conditions such as peptic ulcers, cholecystitis, and IBS.

Enquiring about dietary changes and patterns may uncover intolerances or be suggestive of the aforementioned conditions.

Anyone else at home with the same symptoms e.g. infective cause such as gastroenteritis.  


When examining the patient, you should keep your differentials in mind and look for signs that confirm or refute your potential diagnoses.

  1. GP Notebook – Abdominal Pain https://gpnotebook.com/pages/gastroenterology/abdominal-pain
  2. NICE CKS – Causes of abdominal pain https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/renal-or-ureteric-colic-acute/diagnosis/differential-diagnosis/

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